Laser tattoo removal is a safe and quick process with treatments lasting less than 30 minutes on
average. To effectively remove a tattoo entirely, multiple treatments will be needed. Lightening a
tattoo to prepare for a cover-up will take less treatments than someone who wishes to remove a tattoo
The Laser Tattoo Removal Process at Xtreme Laser Removal
Step 1)
FREE Consultation
We know you may have many questions about what to expect on your laser removal journey, that is
why we always offer a free laser removal consultation. Our laser specialist, Karisa, will meet with you
and address any concerns you may have and analyze your tattoo before any treatment begins.
The cost per session varies on the size of your tattoo by square inches. During your free consultation we
will go over our different multi-session packages that can greatly reduce the total amount you will spend
on removal. Xtreme Laser Removal offers the most competitive prices and most flexible scheduling to
fit your lifestyle.
Number of Treatments Needed
A tattoo is not completely removed after only one treatment. Typically, a professional tattoo can take
up to 8 – 12 sessions of laser treatments to remove entirely. While most homemade tattoos can take
between 3 – 7 treatments. Colors, saturation of ink, depth of the ink, and age of skin are all factors on
how many treatments you will need.
Possible Side Effects
Redness/ Swelling/ Bruising: Clients can experience some redness, swelling, or bruising of the treated
area, this is normal. These effects should cease 7 -14 days after treatment.
Blistering: When the laser heats up ink particles in your skin it can cause breaks in the tiny blood vessels
surrounding your tattoo. This can cause blistering of treated area. These blisters are superficial and
filled with water and ink which may cause your blisters to appear different colors. You may drain
blisters with a sterile needle if you have any discomfort. Make sure to apply triple antibiotic ointment to
any drained blisters. If left alone, the blisters will drain themselves. Your blisters will turn into scabs and
can take anywhere from 3 – 14 days to heal completely on the surface. Blisters can look intimidating but
are actually great for the removal process because they can be an pathway for additional ink to travel
outward. If you have any questions about your blistering call 812-282-8282.
Scabbing: Scabbing is an important part of the removal process. Scabs can collect broken up ink
particles in the skin and when they fall off naturally, some ink may go with it. It is very important to NOT
pick off scabs, this may lead to unwanted scarring. Also do not soak, shave, or exfoliate the area, these
actions may also lead to undesired effects and prolong your healing process.
Hyperpigmentation/Hypopigmentation: Hyperpigmentation is a darkening of skin color while
hypopigmentation is a lightening of skin color. In most cases these effects are temporary and will
resolve themselves after treatments are complete. The shock of the laser can cause the skin to over
produce or under produce melanin (natural pigment of your skin tone). Using a topical Vitamin E oil can
be beneficial to help avoid any pigment irregularities between treatments.
Equipment Used in Removal Process
Xtreme Laser Removal uses the most advanced equipment on the market, the Quanta Q-switch plus C
laser system. This system is specifically designed for removing tattoos. It’s a powerful Nd:Yag Q-
Switched laser that emits 1064nm and 532nm, it also has a RUBY 694nm. These are different
wavelengths of laser that are necessary for removal of complex, multi-colored tattoos. We do not use
topical or injectable anesthetics in the studio because these can actually constrict blood vessels and
make the laser less effective. We use Zimmer Cryo 6 chiller to help alleviate the sensation of pain. The
chiller produces arctic cold air, the body has a difficult time processes heat and cold at the same time
which gives a numbing effect during time of treatment.
Step 2)
Start your First Treatment
Once payment has been made in full, you can begin your first session the same day as your free
consultation. Each session is quick to complete, in most cases taking less than 10 minutes for one tattoo
(larger tattoos may vary in treatment times). It may take progressively longer the more treatments you
have but only by a few minutes.
What to expect from a treatment:
? A picture is taken to track your individual process
? Treated area is prepped and cleaned
? Cold air is applied to numb the skin
? A test spot is given to prepare you for the sensation of the laser
? The laser technician goes over the entire tattoo with the 1064nm laser and depending on the
specific needs of your tattoo, other wavelengths may be used to get the best results
Step 3)
Following treatments (Scheduled 8 – 12 weeks apart)
So now that the laser has done its work on the first layers of ink, it’s time for your body to do the rest.
Most of the ink is actually flushed away by your body’s own immune system. The laser breaks down the
ink into particles that your body can see as foreign and work to remove slowly and safely. Although the
blisters and scabs may be healed on the surface there is much more going on below the surface that we
can’t see. Waiting the 8 – 12 weeks allows your body enough time to process out the ink that has
already been effected by the laser so the next time you come in for treatment the laser can seek out
fresh ink below the surface of your skin. The longer you wait between your treatments the more
effective your treatments will be. The body continues to process out ink up to a year after just one
For the first 4-5 days after treatment wash the area 5-6 times a day with antibacterial soap and warm
water. Pat the area dry with a clean paper towel. After the area is dry, apply Neosporin for the first 4-5
days after a treatment. After 5 days continue to was area 2-3 times daily, but instead of applying
Neosporin, switch to applying Vitamin E oil. Continue using Vitamin E oil a few times a day until your
next scheduled treatment.
You can use a cold compress the first 24 hours to help ease discomfort or take Tylenol.
Avoid using aspirin as a pain reliever because it can increase your chance of bruising and/or bleeding.
If blistering does occur you can bandage the area up to 3 days after treatment. You need to change the bandage after each time you wash the area. It is not recommended to soak your tattoo in water (swimming pools, hot tubs, long baths)until blisters or scabs are healed. You can continue to shower as normal 2 hours after treatment, tryto avoid high pressure water hitting the treated area.
Exercise is safe after treatment if you feel comfortable.
If any sun exposure is expected use a sunblock that has at least an SPF 25 or higher. If at all possible keep area covered while in sunlight
Do not put make-up on treated area until blisters and scabs are healed
If the area looks infected (honey colored crusting, thick yellow to green discharge, or spreading redness) contact our office immediately.
If you feel like you are having a severe allergic reaction seek medical attention or call 911
Laser tattoo removal is a simple process that changes lives.
Call us at 812-282-8282 to schedule your FREE consultation with our certified laser specialist.